Do you have a job where you feel valued as a person and not just an employee? Do you feel that your employer understands that both your physical and team environments are important to your overall job satisfaction?
I was at breakfast recently and had a chance encounter with a cashier who felt that jobs like that simply did not exist. We had a brief exchange as she was ringing up my order about the book I was carrying with me – it was was called The Best Place to Work – The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace, and it was written by Ron Friedman. She was curious what it was about, and I mentioned those few things as examples of what makes workplaces extraordinary.
She told me that jobs like that didn’t exist, and that if I ever found one of them to let her know.
The exchange made me think, and I ended up writing a post about it on LinkedIn. To read more about it, go to the full LinkedIn article here.
"If we were good at everything, we'd have no need for each other."
-Simon Sinek
Employee Assessments
HR Consulting
Skills Testing
Recruiting Software
Employee Onboarding Software
Background Screening